Helping women heal from trauma so they can love and nourish their bodies with ease and create their vision board life

Hello, my name is Chloe and I am a Food Freedom Coach & Therapist.
I founded the Finally Free Academy to help women heal from trauma, make peace with food and their bodies, heal their anxiety and believe in themselves so that they can live the life they want.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, stuck or feel like you could love yourself more, then you are in the right place.
I focus on serving clients who have a history of or current experience of diagnosed eating disorders, those who require nutritional support and more complex cases.
My specialist areas are:
- Eating Disorders/Disordered eating
- Body Dsymorphia
- Anxiety
- Trauma (including PTSD and cPTSD)
- Obsessive compulsive behaviours and disorders

Have you listened to my Podcast Yet?
“It’s not about the f%*king food” is an empowering podcast that is dedicated to helping women love and nourish their bodies with ease and create their vision board life.
I dive deep into the relationship between women and food, shedding light on the fact that it’s not just about what we eat, but rather the emotional and psychological aspects tied to our eating habits.
Each episode of “It’s not about the f%*king food” features practical tips to help listeners develop a healthier relationship with food and their bodies. From debunking diet myths to exploring the trauma held in our bodies and self-care, this podcast covers a wide range of topics to empower women to embrace their bodies, live their best lives and eat the f%*king food.
Listen now via Apple or Spotify ⬇️
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You aren’t greedy or out of control with food! It’s the feast-famine cycle…
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Why do we get stuck in eating disorder recovery?
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Why do we struggle with disordered eating?
As a Food Freedom Coach I specialise in working helping people heal disordered eating and all that that entails for my clients. But so many people don’t understand why they struggle with disordered eating in the first place. How can we truly heal something when we...